

Neil Shephard

Hi, I’m Neil and work as a Research Software Engineer at the University of Sheffield. My education started with BSc in Zoology and Genetics followed by a MSc in Genetic Epidemiology. My academic career started with just over a decade as a Genetics Statistician where I learnt GNU/Linux system administration and reproducible research practices before shifting to Medical Statistics and working on Clinical Trials for a similar amount of time and taught myself R before a stint as a Data Scientist in industry company where I not only learnt Python but about good software development practices.

Here you’ll find posts about Research Software Engineering, Git/GitHub/GitLab, GNU/Linux (Gentoo, Arch, OpenWRT), Python, Bash, R, Emacs, Org-mode, Statistics, Genetics, Evolution and more.

When not working I enjoy climbing, running, cycling, cooking, hiking, photography, gardening and spending time with my family.

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